Western Heights Cemetery Sponsors

White Rhino Coffee

John Stolly Design

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JD’s Tree Service

2nd2Nunn Photography

Western Heights Cemetery History

Texas historical marker denoting the importance of this historical site

The Western Heights Cemetery in the 1600 block of Fort Worth Avenue is about three and one-half miles west of the Dallas County Courthouse. This three acre cemetery is on a portion of the William Coombs 640 acre Survey Number 290. On the trail heading west, it is believed that several strangers who died along the way were buried here in the 1840-1860s.

The earliest records for this community cemetery state that the first burial was of seventy-eight year old Augustine Byrum on June 27, 1848. He is in an unmarked grave. This was many years before this land was declared a cemetery in a deed dated 1881. This person is one of those, “known only to God” in our world. He died before 1850 and Byrum does not show up anywhere in the United States census for 1840. A source for this information has not been found.

The William Coombs Survey No. 290, today, would be bounded by Vilbig St. on the west, Singleton Blvd. on the north, Cedar Hill Ave. on the east, and a portion south of Ft. Worth Avenue. This area was first called Hord’s Ridge and re-named Western Heights in 1901. William Hord who had come to the Three Forks area in 1845 and settled on land west of the Trinity River was a brother-in-law of John Crockett, one of the first attorneys in Dallas County, who later became Lieutenant Governor of Texas during the Civil War.

Kentucky native forty-three year old William Coombs, his wife, Ivy Green Coombs (1805-1847) and his three sons, Isaac (20) and Levan (22) and William Jr. (18) immigrated to Texas in 1843 and all were eligible for, and received Peters Colony certificates for land. William had not been here long before his wife, the mother of the three sons, died in childbirth.

By 1850 widower, forty-seven year old William Coombs, married a widow, Rachel, who had two daughters. Their baby, Martha, was born in 1850 and the Coombs lived on their large farm west of the Trinity River.

La Reunion Colony purchased part of Levan Coombs’s survey for its village in 1855. Flanders Heights, one of the first planned additions for homes in this farming community was designed and built adjacent to this cemetery on its western side in 1884.

The Coombs Survey had been divided and sold in various portions through the years and the cemetery was part of a forty-two acre tract that B.M. Bradford (1815-18??) had purchased. He sold three acres in 1881 to Zachariah Coombs (1837-1917) and W.R. Fisher (1836-1900) for $15.00 that would allow the land to be used for a church and a “graveyard” forever.

Mr. Fisher was a grocer in West Dallas and his wife was Mary Ann Coombs, the daughter of J.N. Coombs. Pennsylvania native W.R. Fisher was one of sixteen children who learned the cabinet making trade when he was fourteen. He supported himself by working in Kentucky as a carpenter until the Civil War when he went to Virginia and enlisted in the Forty-Fifth Virginia Battery. At the second battle of Winchester, Virginia he was taken prisoner and confined in a Delaware prison for nine months, and three months after General Robert E. Lee surrendered. He worked on the Virginia and Tennessee railroad repairing bridges and building section houses until 1867 when he came to Texas. He worked for a year in Houston and came to the Dallas area purchasing seventy acres of the old Coombs homestead. He and Mary Ann were married in 1869. She died in 1873.

There has never been a church built on this property. Bradford and Coombs were elders of the West Dallas Christian Church in the 1880s, which was built several blocks away from the cemetery. Both Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Fisher were members of the Church of Christ.

In 1856 twenty year old John Loupot, arrived in Dallas County with fifteen cents in his pocket. He came from France to join the La Reunion Colony.  He first found work herding sheep, then farmed with the Colony for one year. He went to Kaufman County and worked on a farm for a few months and returned to Dallas to work for an uncle on his farm. John spent four years during the Civil War in Mexico freighting cotton. After he came back to Dallas, he married Swiss native Rosina Getzer in 1869. He and Rosina had five children. Loupot was also a mason, having learned that trade from his father in France. He was responsible for constructing many early brick buildings in Dallas.

By 1875 the Loupots owned a 160 acre farm west of the Trinity where they specialized  in gardening and dairying. French native John (Jean) Loupot (1835-1904) and his wife, Rosina, who also came to Texas as a La Reunion colonist are buried in Western Heights Cemetery.

Widower Zachariah Ellis Coombs, son of William Coombs Jr., married Rebecca F. Bedford. On the Zachariah Coombs headstone in the Western Heights Cemetery, it states that he was a Captain in the 31* Texas Cavalry, Co. G, CSA, also a Mason and was Grand Master of Masons in Texas from December 1885 to December 1886.

The wording on a marker does not tell the complete story of this early settler in Dallas County. Coombs was elected County Judge in 1866. He was among the four hundred officers in fifty seven counties who were removed for failure to comply with the amnesty  oath by the military commandants sent to Texas during the Reconstruction Period. Coombs was an alderman for the City of Dallas in 1868-1872. He was again affected by this same upheaval following the Civil War. He and R.S. Kimbrough were State representatives in Austin in 1886.

Zachariah was an original member of the Dallas County Pioneers when it was organized  in 1875. In 1913, a clipping in the Dallas Morning News noted that the Hardin School (located on the corner of Main and Haskell) would hold its third commencement, and that Zachariah Coombs was a member of the Sigma Phi Society who would deliver a declamation.

One of the first female babies born in Dallas County in 1845, a granddaughter of Dr. John Cole, Mary Ellen Cole Tuggle (1845-1928), is buried in this cemetery as is her husband, William Thomas Tuggle (1843-1925) a Confederate veteran from Missouri. Who served in Walker’s Division and Young’s Regiment. Their sons, daughter and several grandchildren are also buried nearby.

 In 1922 Mrs. Anna Marie Struck (1854-1923) purchased one-half acre in the cemetery  and dedicated it as a memorial family plot to honor her husband, Heinrich Frederich  Struck (1856-1917) from Mecklenberg, Germany. Their son Henry Carl Struck, who served in the United States Army in World War I is buried here also.

The Old Oak Cliff Cemetery on 8th Street and the Western Heights Cemetery contain most of the graves of the citizens who chose to cross over the Trinity River into Robertson County when seeking land.

When Dallas County was organized in 1850, Hords Ridge was one of the sites on the hotly contested ballot for the County Seat. Many of the over 400 known burials in Western Heights were the pioneers of Hords Ridge, later the town of Oak Cliff. Dallas annexed Oak Cliff in 1903 after several attempts to persuade the citizens that it would be better for them and for the children because of the expense of maintaining enough schools. Many citizens were skeptical because of the sale of liquor. The area stayed dry until 2010!

It is believed that the Church of Christ was first established in Dallas in 1852. A shortage of ministers to serve the vast sparsely settled area caused the church to organize a county cooperative to reach out to the people by 1856. The Pearl and Bryan Street Church with fifteen members (unable to substantiate) was described in the early history of the church written by Melvin Wise. These few members were concerned about the families west of the Trinity River and initiated missionary efforts across the river. The Pearl and Bryan Street Church invited General R.N. Gano to hold a revival in the old Mt. Airy schoolhouse in Oak Cliff in 1872. Although meeting at the schoolhouse and other locations, this is thought to be the first Church of Christ in Oak Cliff.

General Gano, a licensed medical doctor, was a remarkable man. He gave up medicine to join the Confederacy and fought in over 70 battles during the Civil War as a cavalry officer and five horses were shot under him. He was wounded only once. After the war he settled in Dallas County, owning land where the Dallas Ft. Worth International Airport is located. He became an ordained minister, raised thoroughbred horses, and surveyed previously uncharted portions of North Texas. In his daily journal, the general once wrote: “Today I surveyed 16 sections and saved 16 souls.” In the 1875 City Directory on page 18, he is listed as R.M. Gano, elder, being the pastor of the Christian Church. General Gano is buried in Oakland cemetery with many members of his large family.

The Christian Church and the Church of Christ divided over the use of musical instruments in the church during this time period. It is not known if there has ever been an organization to maintain this cemetery.

Through the last 100 years the various Christian Churches and Churches of Christ have united, dissolved, left the city, moved to the other side of the county, and sold their properties to each other, but through the years the Western Heights Cemetery has been maintained by volunteers. In the 1980s a fund was started to erect a fence around the property. When enough money was donated a fence was erected. Vandals have managed to cut it in several places, when the gates are locked.

These desperate people are most interested in viewing the grave site of Clyde Barrow (1909- 1934). Various tokens appear on his concrete embedded headstone. The headstone had been stolen and removed several times before the city crews returned it and finally set it in concrete to make its removal more difficult. Through the years members of one of the churches would have a clean up day at the Western Heights Cemetery. From time to time Boy Scouts would be enlisted to help.

Nearly twenty years ago a retired City of Dallas fireman and his wife, Steve and Opal Perry, decided they would personally maintain the cemetery as they had family members buried there. Using their own equipment, they did the work, hauled off the trash, cut back the vines, and wrote letters to known descendants asking for donations to establish a fund for the future. When their health no longer permitted this massive volunteer work to continue, other means have been adopted. Crews have been hired to mow the straggly grass and cut back the vines along the fence.

One of the counselors at the Texas Youth Commission has used volunteers from its unlimited supply of manpower to maintain the site. These boys, assigned community service hours by the judges, receive no pay for their labor, but lunch is provided and equipment and material (gas for mowers, etc.) is provided from their own donated fund. When the local neighbors with no respect for this hallowed ground, dump their trash on the site, extra money has to be spent from the small fund to clean up the site.

 In April and May of 2007 wind storms and heavy rain hit this section of town and many of the old trees were uprooted. Crews were hired to remove the trees and some of the headstones were damaged. Vast amounts of debris was piled outside the fence for the City of Dallas Sanitation Department to remove.

As part of its efforts to honor corridor history, the Fort Worth Avenue Development Group took over maintenance of the Western Heights Cemetery in 2011. Besides providing upkeep, the FWADG also hosts occasional tours and informational sessions for those hoping to learn more about corridor and West Dallas history. The Barrow plot is located in the southwestern section of the cemetery under a stand of crape myrtles.

Listing of Western Heights Cemetery Burial Sites

This information was provided by Dallas Genealogical Society volunteers who read the stones in early 1992.

Information in Section I is from gravestones located on the west side of the cemetery road; read from front (Ft. Worth Avenue) to back of cemetery property.

CARPENTER – Quincy B.: 6 Sep 1884-29 July 1924 [Female]
LINAN – Alvin J.: 17 Feb 1888-29 Jan 1932
MASON – Mattie A.: 10 Dec 1847-5 Jan 1906, d/o J. S. & E. L.
MORGAN – Stella Darrow: 16 Oct 1881-12 May 1907
BLACKBURN* – Mary Jane: 31 Jan 1873-2 Sep 1910, w/o R. P.
Russell P.: 1859-13 June 1925 Margaret: 27 Sep 1839-4 Mar 1906, w/o T.
GLADDEN – Anna: 23 Sep 1885-3 Aug 1932
GLADDEN – J. Wesley: 3 Nov 1877-22 Nov 1924
DUNCAN – Joseph S.: 25 Sep 1847-10 Mar 1906
LOUPOT* – John: 26 Feb 1835-7 Oct 1904 Rosina: 4 Sep 1850-1 Jan 1919
WADE – Claude: 16 Nov 1889-11 Mar 1921
WHITTINGTON – F. M.: 15 Oct 1867-15 Dec 1930
WHITTINGTON – Benne: 1901-1920
WHITTINGTON – Ava: d. 4 Mar 1917 [No other data]
WHITTINGTON Roy: 1903-1934
(End of Whittington Plot)

BARROW – Elvin W.: 1894-1947
BARROW – Henry B.: 10 Jan 1874-19 June 1957
Cumie T.: 21 Nov 1874-14 Aug 1942
BARROW – Clyde C.: 24 Mar 1909-23 May 1934
Marvin I.: 14 Mar 1905-29 July 1933
FARRIS – Charles B.: 13 May 1863-17 Jan 1933
McCORKLE – Mary Ann: 27 Feb 1860-12 July 1915
HENRIKSEN – Christen: 10 June 1879-10 Dec 1905
WOOD – Edwin O.: 1852-1937, Uncle
BROWN – A. C.: 23 Aug 1833-19 July 1893
BROWN – Emma Z.: 7 Nov 1845-25 Oct 1915
BUMPAS – Ruby: 16 June 1895-23 Feb 1896, d/o W. E. & Lulu
BUMPAS – W. E.: 16 Feb 1859-21 Sep 1897

COIN – Ray Kenneth: 13 July 1925-15 Mar 1930, s/o M/M R. L.
Roy Leon, Jr.: 6 Nov 1923-16 Mar 1930, s/o M/M R. L.
WEIR – Tommie Roy: 30 Sep 1943-11 Oct 1943
WEIR – Abbie Gale: 26 June 1882-1 Apr 1941
Charles Westley: 4 Aug 1872-21 Apr 1923
(End of Weir Plot)

CALVIN – Fred: Kansas [Broken military marker; no other information]
KASCHKE – Minna: 21 July 1877-27 May 1924, b. Germany
KEARBY – Mary E.: 1905-1936, Mother
HICKMAN – Cora C.: 17 Mar 1888-3 Jan 1936
MORSE – W. H.: 13 Sep 1835-24 Dec 1922, Father
Melvina L.: 1840-1911, w/o W. H., Mother
EYSTER – Emily: 1847-1927
FULLER – George: 3 May 1845-10 Jan 1905
EYSTER – J. W.: 1857-1927
BARCUS – William Franklin: 29 July 1852-10 Apr 1913
NICKELL – G. W., Jr.: 15 Apr 1924-26 Dec 1925
LOWRY – Robert J.: 26 Feb 1836-6 Mar 1921 Mary: 15 Sep 1846-4 July 1925
TOWNSEND – Martha J.: 29 Sep 1821-6 July 1909
FRALEY – Abiga T.: 8 Oct 1819-13 Feb 1900
EVANS – Ronald C.: 29 Dec 1934-18 Apr 1937 Elmer L.: 17 Aug 1918-24 July 1924 (b/o Ronald C.)
SHUFFIELD – Tressie: 2 Feb 1904-24 July 1920
LOONEY – Pvt. Louis Lee: 7 Feb 1919-18 Apr 1943
MULLICAN – John H.: 29 Mar 1920-20 May 1925
SMITH – R. T.: 14 Jan 1865-20 May 1920
CHANDLER – Mildred: 6 May 1917-6 Nov 1920 Pauline: 25 Jan 1919-7 Nov 1920
CHANDLER – Clara L.: 2 June 1900-4 Jan 1922, Mother
CHAPMAN – W. Basil: 1 Feb 1889-19 Sep 1918, WOW
BRITAIN – Bessie: 29 Mar 1870-25 Feb 1916, w/o Add
MAMES – Larkin H.: Co D, 2 AR Cav [No other data]
MAMES – Mrs. H. J.: 19 Mar 1853-14 June 1932, w/o L. H.
JOYCE – Agnes C.: 18 Jan 1829-2 June 1925, Mother
DYKES – Mal-Rose: 1863-1945 George R.: 1857-1942
DYKES – John: [No other data] Will: [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – A. Eugene: 3 Feb 1927-9 Mar 1927
LEATHERMAN – Thomas A.: 30 Mar 1925-6 July 1946, TX Avn Mach Mate 3 cl, USNR
LEATHERMAN – Jennie: 20 July 1855-8 Jan 1908
WALKER – Julian P.: 15 Aug 1875-1 Feb 1900
HICKMAN – M. M.: 25 July 1866-4 Oct 1933, Father
HICKMAN – S. J.: 1 Jan 1877-31 Aug 1961, Mother
ROBERTSON – E. P.: 11 Sep 1847-14 Oct 1914
ROBERTSON – C. B.: 22 Feb 1892-11 Apr 1928
NANCE – Minnie B.: 24 Oct 1862-23 Sep 1939
DENTLER – Gracie M.: 21 Oct 1918-15 Nov 1929
DENTLER – Oscar L.: 24 Oct 1915-15 July 1929
DAVIS – Rosa Lee: 1886-1913
KUCERA – Carrie J.: 11 Feb 1940-4 June 1940
HINES – Zackery: Sep 1853-Dec 1938
HINES – Dannie: 5 Apr 1928-22 Sep 1928
HINES – Rebecca J.: 1856-1920
WOOLF – Bobby Joe: 1 June 1930-12 June 1930
POLLARD – Emily K. (Katie): 17 Mar 1891-22 Oct 1921

JOHNSON – J. B.: 5 July 1847-22 Aug 1893
MILLS -Lillian Ivy: 24 Sep 1884 [Stone broken; no other data]
GOODWIN – Nannie H.: 1857-1931
Tillmon M.: 1857-1906
(Unidentified) – 24 Aug 1913 [Broken stone; no other data]
GOODWIN – James W.: 1896-1896
Hassie L.: 1899-1899
GOODWIN -Herbert T.: 1894-1927
MANLEY -Dollie N.: 1889-19_ [No other data]
(End of Goodwin Plot)

ROHDE – J. H.: 16 Sep 1843-22 Nov 1914
[Base only; remainder of stone missing in 1992]
ROHDE – [Conger shows Christina E.: 14 Nov 1843 4 Apr 1910, w/o J. H.]
DAVIS – Mary Rode: 10 Aug 1873-31 Mar 1899, w/o S. H.
DAVIS – S. Houston: 24 June 1857-13 Sep 1930
LEATHERMAN – Marshall D. [or P.?]: 1 Oct 186_?-12 Oct 1973 [or 1978?)
Stella B.: 9 [Month & year missing]-4(?) Oct 1957(?)
[Note: This stone was handmade from concrete and is barely legible.]
LEATHERMAN -Thomas Hyatt: 19 July 1883-7 Mar 1947
(Unidentified) – J. L.: [No other data]
TUGGLE – Dee Wilton: 25 May 1874-17 Aug 1929, Father
William Thomas: 31 Mar 1843-26 July 1925, b. Cass Co., MO
Mary Ellen Cole: 5 Dec 1845-5 July 1928, b/d Dallas Co.
[Note: The above information is from a joint stone erected in 1985. An additional stone reads, “First white girl reported born & died in Dallas Co.”]
CHENOWTH – Lula: 1917 [No other data]
YATES – Charles Julian: 2 Apr 1924-29 Dec 1928
HUME – Earl: 1910-1934
BAKER – Archie: [No other data]
EMMONS – H.: 27 Feb 1876-6 Oct 1952
EMMONS – Juliet: 28 Feb 1880-15 Nov 1934
PANNELL – M. Dove: 8 Nov 1889-7 Jan 1924
WALKER – Ima Leona: 14 June-6 Oct 1923
CROWLEY – Almeda: 11 Apr 1825-26 June 1893. w/o Richard
JONES – Charles A.: 27 Nov 1932-23 Mar 1935
SHAFER – Infant d/o G. C. & Annie: b/d 13 Sep 1922
BIETENDORF – Lewis: 9 Mar 1910-24 July 1919
HERNDON – Frank F.: 1908-1934
SPEARS – John Culbert: 3 July 1918-15 Nov 1929

MURPHY – James A.: 1887-1953
RICE – Howard A.: 1901-1904
RICE – Fred C.: 1907-1909
MURPHY – Ida May: 1 Sep 1858-25 Feb 1940
J. A.: 8 Dec 1858-7 Jan 1912 [Also has original stone.]
(End of Murphy Plot)

RICE -George W.: 1840-1915. Father Henrietta V.: 1851-1889. Mother
WALKER – Sadie Ruth: 24 Jan 1904-26 Feb 1924, w/o R. W Baby: b/d 19 Feb 1924
WALKER – Enos M.: 21 Oct 1913-29 Dec 1920
CROFFORD – Carry: 14 Feb 1891-10 Jan 1910
CROFFORD – Annie E.: 15 Jan 1856-27 June 1932
CROFFORD – Walter E. H.: 3 Sep 1912-15 June 1914, s/o W. E. & Pearl
CROFFORD – James Wiley: 27 Jan 1879-23 Apr 1918, WOW
BRADLEY – Andrew J.: 31 Dec 1843-29 Apr 1918
Lydia Ann: 17 Nov 1848-1 Jan 1913
GULLICK – Margaret Udell [Baby]: 26 July 1918-28 July 1918
LONG – William Wylie: 25 Dec 1864-7 Feb 1918
X GIBBS – Mrs. R. C.: 15 Nov 1835-25 Jan 1901
BROWN – Joseph M.: 25 June 1861-5 Mar 1948
Vinie J.: 24 May 1868-29 June 1915
BASDEN – Lowell A.: 20 Oct 1901-27 Jan 1927
BASDEN – Floyd C.: 2 Jan 1899-5 Dec 1922
BRONAR – Maylee: 3 Nov 1919-11 Feb 1920
DRUSE – Ed. J.: 14 Mar 1870-13 Apr 1934
GERTH – Alma E.: 2 Mar 1924-9 Apr 1924
GERTH – Louisa F.: 2 Oct 1910-8 Oct 1913
GERTH – Rev. Herberd F. W.: 13 Nov 1909-30 Sep 1937
HAIRE – Johnnie H.: 20 Sep 1900-9 July 1903, s/o C. & M. E.
NOBLE – Mrs. J. M.: 8 Apr 1843-19 Aug 1923, w/o W. J.
LANDRUM – Infant of M/M Barnie H.: d. 28 Nov 1920
HYDEN – Cecil I.: 4 Oct 1897-12 Feb 1920 [Female]
SANFORD – Carrie: 12 May 1851-17 Nov 1917
LEATHERMAN – Frank M.: 31 Jan 1908-20 Mar 1944
MORRIS – Myrtle Ora: 28 Oct 1887-20 Feb 1915, w/o Tom J., Woodman Circle
PROFFITT – P. W.: 18 Aug 1851-7 Aug 1912, b. Giles Co., TN
PATE – Margie May: 17 Nov 1913-6 June 1914
PATE -Ida Fay: 16 Nov 1901-11 Mar 1913
WILKINS – C. C.: 15 July 1850-14 Apr 1911
NOBLE – Irene: 16 Sep 1886-6 Dec 1928
SMITH – Zula P.: 15 Apr 1889-20 July 1939, w/o Harry S.
PATE – Melissa J.: 5 Nov 1840-7 Nov 1915, w/o A. F.
ARNEY – Nancy C.: 22 Apr 1872-16 June 1931
WINFREY – Mary E.: 13 Nov 1863-13 Mar 1896, w/o C. T.
HARPER – Ben N.: 14 Apr 1824-7 Aug 1895
Hardenia: 22 Dec 1827-2 Feb 1921
Clyde: July 1897-Apr 1912
Cornelia: Mar 1901-May 1918
HAMMOND – Liza: Sister of Ben N. Harper [No other data] [Shares joint stone with Ben N. Harper, et al, above]
FERGUSON – J. T.: 22 Mar 1823-12 Jan 1892
RIFE – Sarah F. E.: 3 Apr 1849-4 Feb 1885, w/o G. W
REDDING – J. M.: [Handmade concrete marker; dates illegible]
CROW – Berilla K.: 1 July 1847-13 July 1890
GLAUNCH – Martin B.: 13 Oct 1842-23 Feb 1907 [Stone broken as of 1992]
WILKINS – Sam: 21 Feb 1869-23 Apr 1932
WILKINS – Mrs. C. C.: 1864-1925
LINDSEY – Pearl Elizabeth: 1920 [No other data]
Wiley Robert: 1925 ([No other data]
Margarette: [No other data]
[Note: These names were hand carved in the concrete curbing which surrounds these three graves; no other markers.]

Information in Section Il is from gravestones located on the east side of the cemetery road; read from front (Ft. Worth Avenue) to back of cemetery property.

CRANFORD -David: 1854-1925 Rebecca: 1863-1935
ESTILL- J. C.: 28 July 1890-11 Jan 1932
BROWN – Mary M.: 22 June 1874-5 June 1917, WOW
COX – Mary J.: 5 Jan 1851-15 Sep 1913
BENNETT – Susan Ada: 18 July 1861-8 July 1898, w/o R. H. Bennett
WIGGINS – Hattie: 1891-1929
BRYANT – Maud Ragland: 9 Jan 1868-15 Jan 1914, w/o G. N. Bryant
SHAFER – Grover C.: 1885-1941
BARTLETT – Bennett R.: 10 Aug 1919-25 Jan 1941
HORTON – Alice E.: 3 Oct 1879 [or 1878]-28 Mar 1925, Mother [The original marker on this grave shows year of birth as 1879; a newer, additional marker shows 1878.]
HORTON – L. D.: 1906-1915, Son
HORTON – Charles W.: 1866-1937, Father
STALCUP – Sanford: 17 Mar 1892-7 June 1912, WOW
MOORE – Catherine: 1880-1920
SCHUMACHER – Louis P.: 1909-1921
HAWKINS – Alice: w/o T. H. Hawkins and J. A. BURTON No other data]
WARREN – Mrs. Kate: 31 July 1848-13 May 1923
HUDSPETH – Leatha: 4 Feb 1893-17 Apr 1924, w/o B. M. Marshall Rutherford: b/d Aug 1910
LAWSON – J. D.: 1850-1914, Father
LYTLE – Mattie: 1865-1958, Mother
WHITTINGTON – John T.: 13 Feb 1871-27 Dec 1905
WHITTINGTON – Lottie: 24 Feb 1879-7 July 1929
WILLIAMS – Winnie Roberta: 1888-1912
WILLIAMS – __n Jae: [Broken stone; no dates]
HAMILTON – Billie Marie: 23 Feb 1925-2 Aug 1928, do M/M A. E. Hamilton
WILLIAMS – Mary Ann: 1850-1902
WILLIAMS – Ivy Hard: 1843-1915 [Broken stone]
EVANS – Sarah H.: 15 Dec 1854-17 July 1933, Mother John D.: 17 Aug 1875-25 Jan 1928, Son
EVANS – Lucille V.: 23 Apr 1917-Nov 1 11, 1934 [Date of death is as it appears on stone]
GIBSON – J. C.: 18 Jan 1901-19 Apr 1923
CLEMMONS – Charley R.: 17 Mar 1884-8 Sep 1901 Carl S.: 2 July 1885-12 Oct 1906
WALKER – W. R. P.: 17 Aug 1865-9 Jan 1912, WOW Camp #2236 (Unidentified) – M. R. H.: (Footstone only]
NICHOLS – John T.: 2 Nov 1884-10 Dec 1948, Father
NICHOLS – Loyd: 19 Jan 1914-23 Feb 1937
ROE – D. J. – 6 Sep 1818-16 Sep 1895
SANDERS – W. J.: No other data]
NICHOLS – Annie M.: 18 June 1887-30 Dec 1928, Mother
BREWER – Vera V.: 1899-1924
RODGERS – Lucile Jenet: 16 Jan 1926-2 Nov 1932 [Handcarved stone]
TAYLOR – Carrol P.: 1871-1932, Father
IRBY – Clara: 1894-1918, Sister
WARREN – Ruth: 1870-1918 (Unidentified) – E. P.: [Field stone; initials only]
HAMBY – David E.: 1 June 1880-9 Mar 1924
BREWER – Sam B.: 1856-1922, father
BEATY – Annie Emily: 27 May 1904-6 Oct 1931 [Inscription: “Watching over her lovely ones Carl, Billy, Edith, Calvin”]
BEATY – Carl: [No other data]
WILSON – W. J.: 1865-1918
EDDY – Frances D.: 19 May 1852-2 Apr 1879, w/o Seaton Eddy
BUMPASS – Berilla K.: 31 Dec 1830-19 June 1877, w/o John W
BELEW – John C.: 29 July 1886-29 June 1908, s/o W. M. & M. A.
RICHARDSON – Edna: 30 Dec 1903-July 1925 [No day listed]
RICHARDSON – Walter Lee: 4 Dec 1893-14 Feb 1912
OGLE -David T.: 14 Jan 1859-18 Aug 1861, b. Sanwan [sic] Co., CA E. D.: 17 Jan 1861-26 Nov 1863
LASATER – J. R.: 5 Apr 1844-28 May 1907
BROWN – James B.: 27 Jan 1862-29 Mar 1906
BROWN – Ollie A.: 14 Nov 1869-15 Nov 1903, w/o J. B.
BROWN – Garland M.: 15 May 1903-5 Dec 1903, s/o J. B. & O.
WHITMIRE – Mary B.: 11 June 1877-3 Apr 1922
ELLIS – Charles E.: 9 Sep 1923-5 Dec 1926
CHBRDPOHD – Irs: Jan 1878-21 Ags 1889, Age 11 [Note: Dates are scratched into stone very faintly; month of death, “Ags,” is as it appears on Stone.]
GANNON – _. C.: 4 Dec 1924-12 Jan 1925 [First initial broken off marker]
CHAMBERS – John Edward: 17 Dec 1899-30 Apr 1901, s/o C. E. & Ida May [This stone badly broken by 1992]

BRANUM – Modine: 26 Mar 1920-6 Nov 1941
BARCLAY – Nellie M.: 1 Aug 1907-8 Nov 1911
LOVE – A. M.: 14 May 1822-19 Aug 1900, Buried at Rockwall, TX
H. E.: 1 Feb 1839-3 Nov 1899
BINGHAM – Mary Lee : 13 Nov 1866-30 May 1888, d/o A. M. & H. E. Love
[Shares joint stone with A. M. & H. E. Love, above]
MILLS – R. Allen: 1875-1926
Robert J.: 1849-1922
Elfleda Ellis: 1853-1930
MILLS – William Holmes: 17 Sep 1809-28 Dec 1903, Father
MONROE – Lula A.: 22 May 1888 (1886?)-8 Aug 1915, w/o A. T. Monroe
MILLS – -Ruby: 23 Apr 1879-24 Feb 1907, d/o R. J. & E. E.

COOMBES – Capt. Z. Ellis: Co. G., 31 TX Cav, CSA [Also a Masonic marker: Z. E. Coombes, 1833-1895, Grand Master of Masons in Texas 11 Dec 1885-17 Dec 1886]
COOMBES – William N.: 26 Nov 1858-6 July 1936, Father
FISHER – Maggie C.: 7 Mar 1853-28 Dec 1901, w/o W. R.
FISHER – Wm. R.: 8 Oct 1836-18 Oct 1900
FISHER – Mary A.: 18 July 1850-28 July 1881, w/o W. R.
FISHER – Alta B.: 10 Apr 1870-4 Jan 1912, w/o E. L.
Artie G.: 31 Mar 1890-9 Nov 1914, d/o E. L. & Alta B.
(End of Coombes Plot)

The following additional listings are from the above-cited works by W. R. Conger and his students at Sunset High School and/or Willie Flowers Carlisle listings on “Old Cemeteries of Dallas County.” These stones were no longer in evidence when DGS volunteers read the cemetery in early 1992.

BYRAM – Augustine: 27 June 1848, aged 68 years
CARRISON – Edward King: 1891-1937
FINDLEY – G. O.: 1882-1937
JACOB – Jane: 9 May 1836-12 Apr 1929, w/o A. H.
KASCHKE – Earnest: 22 Mar 1873-16 June 1929
LAWRENCE – F. W.: [No other data]
LAWRENCE – Rosa: [No other data]
LIETO – Reatha M.: 27 Apr 1924-29 Apr 1928
LYNCH – Bessie Lee: 23 Aug 1907-3 Nov 1928, d/o Mrs. W. O. Wynn
MILLS – Henry Elam: TX Army Field Clerk, US Army [No other data]
PETERS – Charles F.: d. 1 June 1937
VEAL -Thomas C.: 1829-1903
VEAL – Mary H.: 1834-1903
WALKER – Enos W.: 25 Dec 1846-7 Aug 1912, b. England
WILLIAMS – R.: 18 Apr 1848-10 July 1929

Information in Addendum “B” was compiled in alphabetical order by Juanita Durden William in October 1991 from data furnished by descendants of persons buried in this cemetery.

ALLISON – Baby Bell: d. 19 July 1910
ALLISON – Baby Pearl: d. 26 Nov 1908
ALLISON – Winford: [No other data b 9 -18 – 1882 – d. 5-5-1939
ARNEY – Francis Spain: 1900-1930
ARNEY – James William: 7 July 1871-16 June 1931
ARNEY – William Leslie: 21 Apr 1895-22 Feb 1948. Moved to TX 1913.
BARTLETT – Bennett: [No other data]
BARTLETT – Bennett R.: 10 July 1919-25 Jan 1941
BIETENDORF – Ernest: [No other data]
BLACKBURN – Margaret: 27 Sep 1839-4 Mar 1906
BRANNON – Bertha Lee: 1908-13 Mar 1913
BRANNON – John Wesley, Sr.: [No other data]
BRANNON – Marvin Henry: 20 May 1897-12 July 1937
BRANNON – Tom: d. 1925
BRANNON – Willie Clyde: 4 Mar 1904-19 July 1968
BREWER – Vera: [No other data]
BROWN – Augustus C. & wife: 1833-1893
BROWN – Daisy: 24 June 1900-26 June 1902, d/o Joseph & Vina Brown
BROWN – Emma Zeruah: [No other data]
BROWN – Joseph: 30 Mar 1909-1910, s/o Joseph & Vina Brown
BROWN – Joseph Madison: 25 June 1861-3 Mar 1948
BROWN – Lizzie: 15 Feb 1903-2 Feb 1904, d/o Joseph & Vina Brown
BROWN – Ruby: 15 Feb 1903-2 Feb 1904, d/o Joseph & Vina Brown
BROWN – Samuel: 30 Nov 1893-27 Nov 1908, s/o Joseph & Vina Brown
BROWN – Vina Jane Lusk: 24 Ma_ 1893-29 June 1915, w/o Joseph Madison Brown
BURGER – Delbert Arles: 17 Sep 1863-1 Jan 1930 [Body moved when “Pike” was built, Fort Worth Avenue, Highway 80]
COHN – Kenneth: Died of burns on Saturday. [No other data]
COHN – Leyon: Died from burns & pneumonia on Sunday. [No other data]
COHN – Mary: Died in fire. [No other data]
COOPER – Henry Lee: [No other data]
CUCERA – Carrie: Niece to Jack HINES [No other data]
DILLARD – Lorraine: [No other data] Handmade stone.
DUNCAN – Ava Alderson: 1898-29 Aug 1972
DUNCAN – Charity Elizabeth Hill: 27 Oct 1854-8 Aug 1940
DUNCAN – Donald: 17 June 1933-June 1951. Drowned.
DUNCAN – George Grasty: d. Nov 1908. Died from burns from fire.
DUNCAN – Grady Clifton: 26 Feb 1890-21 June 1954
DUNCAN – Joseph S.: 25 Sep 1845-10 Mar 1906
DUNCAN – Mariam: Unborn infant. Mother, Georgia, died in fire.
DYER – Fate: [No other data]
EVANS – Elmer Lee: [No other data]
EVANS – John D.: [No other data]
EVANS – Lucille: [No other data]
EVANS – Ronald Carmen: (No other data]
FISHER – Margaret Phrofitt: 2nd w/o W. R. Fisher, in Coombes-Fisher plot. [No other data]
FISHER – Twin boys: Brothers to Harry Fisher; buried in Coombes-Fisher plot. [No other data]
GARRISON – Dock: [No other data]
GIBSON – Jay: [No other data]
HABE -Verloren: [No other data] Description in German.
HARNDON – Joe: [No other data]
HARPER – Benjamin Nathaniel David: 1824-1895
HARPER – Hardenia Jane: d. 1921
HERNDON – Carl: [No other data]
HINES – Ben & Mrs.: [No other data]
HINES – Dannie F.: Sister to John Wesley WARREN. [No other data]
HINES – Zack: Grandfather of John Wesley WARREN; b/o Dannie Hines. [No other data]
HORTON – Alice Elizabeth: 3 Oct 1879-28 Mar 1925
HORTON – Charles William: (No other data]
HORTON – Earl: [No other data]
KING – Margaret Eucline: Dec 1917-Feb 1918
LEATHERMAN – Albert Eugene: d. 6 days old [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Flora Bell: [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Frank: (No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Hyatt: [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Jennie Bates: [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Jimmy: [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Marshall Payne: 13 Sep 1857-10 Apr 1937
LEATHERMAN – Stella Bates: 30 July 1866-15 Dec 1928
LEATHERMAN – Thomas Alphonso, Jr.: Veteran of WW Il [No other data]
LEATHERMAN – Thomas Alphonso, Sr.: [No other data]
LOONEY – Louis: 7 Feb 1919-18 Apr 1943, Pvt, WW Il
LYNCH – Bessy: [No other data]
MAY – Lizie: [No other data]
MAY – Orma: [No other data]
MILLER – Walter Scott, Jr.: 4 Sep 1921-28 Dec 1928
MURPHY – Leslie: d. 1918, Infant
NORRIS – Sarah Brown: May 1853-1933, s/o Joseph Madison Brown
ORMAN – [No other data]
ORMSBY – Marcus B.: [No other data]
ORMSBY -Tom: [No other data]
RAY – Mattie: d. Oct 1918
REED – Alvin: d. 1912, Infant
REED – Burlie: 1902-1918
REED – Burnie: 1900-1915
REED – Mona Arney: 16 Dec 1897-22 Apr 1933. Moved to TX 1911.
ROARK – Nancy Arney: 22 Apr 1872-16 June 1931
ROUTH – George Washington: Col. on Gen. Robert E. Lee’s staff. [No other data]
SAMPLES – Ada Mae Stewart: 1883-7 Feb 1928
SHUGART – Bill: [No other data]
SHUGART – John: (No other data]
SIMMONS – Donnie Brown: May 1853-1933, s/o Joseph Madison Brown
SIMMONS – Donnie Brown: 29 Aug 1889-11 Dec 1911, do Joseph & Vina
SIMS – Tillie [Tilley]: d. 28 Apr 1990. Died at age of 100 years.
SMITH – Baby Adwell Linberg: d. 1918
SMITH – Clara Leona Chandler: m/o Mildred & Pauline Chandler. [No other data]
SMITH – Infant: [No other data]
SMITH – Infant Baby Sam: [No other data]
SMITH – J. N.: Father of Charlene & Lois and 1 infant son. [No other data]
SMITH – Lindy: [No other data]
SMITH – Lois: [No other data]
SMITH – Sarah Helen Evans: [No other data]
THEWLIS – Albert: [No other data]
TIBBITTS – O. J.: [No other data]
TIBBITTS – Odis D.: [No other data]
TUGGLE – Mary Ellen Cole: 5 Dec 1845-4 July 1928
TUGGLE – William Thomas: 31 Mar 1843-26 July 1925
TUGGLE – William Witcher: (No other data]
WALL – Wilbur Gentry: [No other data]
WARREN – John Wesley: [No other data]
WARREN – Ruth: [No other data]
WEIR – Aby Gale: [No other data]
WEIR – Charlie & Mrs.: [No other data]
WEIR – Roy Tom: [No other data]
WHITTINGTON J. H.: [No other data]
WILSON – H. A.: [No other data]
WILSON – Henry: [No other data]
WILSON – Infant: Baby of M/M Henry Wilson [No other data]
WILSON – Mrs. Henry [No other data]
Wood – Edwin P/ [No other data]